Friday, June 1, 2012

Why the Next Jobs Report Matters More Than the Last

Just before the jobs report came out a month ago, I argued that it was probably less important than the report that would come out a month later. That month has now passed, and Friday’s jobs report remains as significant as ever.


Thoughts on the economic scene.

More than any other data, the numbers in the new report will indicate whether the economic slowdown of March and April was largely a statistical blip. A solid monthly jobs gain in May — at least 150,000, if not closer to 200,000 — would suggest that the recovery remains on track. Anything below 150,000 would suggest that Europe’s troubles, high gas prices and the continuing hangover from the American debt bubble had caused a spring slowdown for the third straight year.

Either way, the state of the job market is likely to have a major effect on the presidential race.

If you look at the monthly change in employment over the past year, you can see the reason to worry that the economy has entered a serious new slowdown:

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, via Haver Analytics

But some economists believe that the recent slowing partly reflects the unusually warm winter, which pulled forward some spending that would ordinarily have occurred in March and April into January and February. As a result, January and February’s job gains may have looked artificially good, while March and April’s looked artificially bad.

A four-month average of job gains over the past year does indeed offer a more encouraging picture:

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, via Haver Analytics

Job growth has still slowed somewhat lately, but it remains near its peak pace of the past year. If monthly job growth remains near this level for the rest of the year, it will result in a significant improvement in the labor market.

As a rough guide, job growth of more than 200,000 in May would qualify as excellent news. Growth between 175,000 and 200,000 would be very good, while growth between 150,000 and 175,000 would still be pretty good. Anything less than 150,000 would count as a disappointment — and a sign that the strong hiring pace of early this year seems to have faded.

Remember to keep an eye also on the revisions to the March and April numbers. As of now, the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a gain of 154,000 jobs in March and 115,000 in April, but those numbers will be updated Friday with the additional data the bureau has collected.

If the March and April gains are increased by, say, 75,000 and the June gain is 150,000, that combination would also count as positive news.

Source & Image : New York Times

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