Friday, June 29, 2012

Two little girls explain the ‘worst haircut ever’ (AUDIO)

Three-year-old Eva, after the "worst haircut ever" ( five-year-old Sadie Cohen decided to give her younger sister a free haircut, the results weren't quite what either of the girls expected.

Not only did they get screamed at by their parents, but they also were then interviewed by their journalist father.

After Sadie emerged from "hiding under the radiator," WNPR reporter Jeff Cohen decided to interview her and three-year-old Eva about their experience with the worst haircut ever. The audio recording is almost certainly going to be the most delightful three minutes of your day.

"I was like, uh oh. This is bad, bad, bad," Sadie said of her initial reaction to her stylistic offering.

Asked why she performed the impromptu trim, Sadie reasoned, ""It was almost all the way down to her tush. And if she grew it any longer, when she wiped her butt, her hair would like, go, into the toilet. And it would be gross."

"I really wanted a hair cutter to cut it," Eva said about her feelings on the matter.

"Cutting hair, takes, like, a lot of concentration," Sadie explained. Still, she took it somewhat in stride, noting this sort of thing isn't totally uncommon. "It happens three times in every life. Or twice. Or once."

Source & Image : Yahoo

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