There are lots of taxes that people pay only if they buy something — sales taxes, taxes on cigarettes and taxes on airline tickets among them.
But by calling the penalty for not buying health insurance a tax, the Supreme Court on Thursday effectively created a tax that people will pay only if they do not buy something.
That decision led some opponents of the health care law to proclaim that it was a large tax increase, something the sponsors of the bill had explicitly denied when the law was passed.
To some extent, calling it a tax does break new ground.
“Nobody here can think of an example where you pay a tax if you do not buy something,” said Howard Gleckman, a resident fellow at the Tax Policy Center in Washington. “But there are plenty of examples of where you get a tax break for doing something or buying something. In effect, your failure to buy something means you will pay more taxes.”
Health insurance, as it happens, has long been one such area. Suppose your employer pays you a $90,000 salary and spends $10,000 to buy health insurance for you. All $100,000 is considered a business expense and is therefore a tax deduction for the company, but you will pay income taxes only on the $90,000.
If the employer did not buy insurance, but instead paid you the full $100,000, the company’s tax bill would be unchanged. But you would pay taxes on the full $100,000, even if you used $10,000 of it to buy the health insurance the employer was no longer providing.
In his majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts noted that there was nothing new about Congress using taxes “to encourage buying something,” pointing to the tax breaks for those who buy their homes as an example. He quoted a 1937 Supreme Court decision stating that every tax “interposes an economic impediment to the activity taxed as compared with others not taxed.”
The law in question did not call it a tax. It called it a penalty for not buying health insurance. To the dissenters, that proved it was not a tax. To the chief justice, the choice of words could not obscure the reality. He noted that those who chose to pay the penalty rather than buy health insurance would be writing checks to the Internal Revenue Service and would not end up with a criminal record.
Chief Justice Roberts wrote that the amount of the penalty “is determined by such familiar factors as taxable income, number of dependents and joint filing status,” and that those who did not pay taxes because their income was too low would not have to pay any penalty at all.
There is nothing novel in using the government’s power to tax as a justification for a new benefits program, said Matt Fink, a former president of the Investment Company Institute who is writing a biography of Carter Glass, a former Treasury secretary and, as a senator, author of banking legislation during the 1930s.
When the establishment of Social Security was challenged after it was enacted in 1935, Mr. Glass said that “the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that the new Social Security program, based on the government’s broad power to tax, was fully constitutional.”
In that case, however, the government had based its justification for the law on the power to tax, while President Obama and Congressional Democrats specifically denied that they were raising taxes through the penalty for not buying health insurance.
But then, as now, it was a Supreme Court justice who came up with the justification for the program, Mr. Fink said. At a tea party in 1934, Frances Perkins, then the labor secretary, found herself seated next to Justice Harlan F. Stone.
“In their small talk,” said Mr. Fink, the justice “inquired as to how her work was going. The secretary freely admitted they were stuck on the administration’s new Social Security bill, and were uncertain on what basis the new program should be founded. Upon hearing this, the justice looked around to see if anyone was listening, leaned over to her, and putting his hand up to his mouth, whispered: ‘The taxing power of the federal government, my dear; the taxing power is sufficient for everything you want and need.’ The secretary excitedly returned to her staff and announced she had made up her mind. They would base the new program on the government’s power to tax.”
Regardless of whether the required payment for those who choose not to buy health insurance is or is not a tax, the health care program is about to raise taxes on high-income Americans, which could cause some of them to sell stocks before the year is out.
The second health care bill passed by Congress in 2010, devised in part to fix errors in the first law and in part to pay for it, raised the Medicare payroll tax rate by 0.9 percentage points, to 3.8 percent, effective in 2013, for taxpayers with total incomes of more than $200,000, or $250,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly. The law also extended that tax to income on investments, including capital gains, interest, dividends, annuities and royalties, but only for such high-income taxpayers.
For people whose incomes are that high, the effective tax rate on dividends and long-term capital gains will rise to 18.8 percent from the current level of 15 percent, said Robert N. Gordon, president of Twenty-First Securities, a brokerage firm.
It could, of course, go even higher if Congress fails to extend the George W. Bush tax cuts that are now scheduled to expire at the end of the year. Mr. Gordon said that could encourage some taxpayers to sell investments before the year ends, rather than wait. “We know taxes are going up,” he said. “It is just a matter of how much.”
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