This interview with Angie Hicks, co-founder and chief marketing officer of Angie’s List, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.
Q. What was your first leadership experience?
A. I started Angie’s List right out of college, so I was all of 22. I didn’t really know what it was like to be an employee, let alone what it was like to be a good boss. Other than a couple of summer jobs when I was a kid, and an internship at a venture capital firm when I was in college, I didn’t have much work experience. So I was very much kind of the doer. Sometimes the best doers can’t make the transition to managers. I would say between that and my young age, it was probably a little rocky early on.
Q. Why?
A. I was very passionate about what I did. I tend to be a perfectionist, and that doesn’t always make for the best supervisor. That’s why going back to business school after three years of running the business was great for me, because it gave me a chance to figure out how to be a manager.
Q. Tell me a bit about your leadership style.
A. A lot of people I managed early on in different markets tended to be young college graduates. We used to have a motto around the office: “We’re not running the E.R.” It was just a reminder — no one’s going to die. You can get so absorbed in what you’re doing, because there were always seven balls up in the air on any given day. That motto sticks around today — take your work seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. What we do is important, but let’s make sure we can laugh at ourselves now and again.
Q. Over the course of your life, what do you consider some of the most important leadership lessons you’ve learned?
A. I’ve always been the kind of person who would just get things done. I learned that from my parents. My dad was a United Parcel Service driver for 30 years, and there was always a very strong work ethic in our family. It was just that kind of attitude — if you commit to something, you’re sticking with it.
Q. And that was explicit, or unspoken?
A. It was unspoken. I was one of those kids who probably put more pressure on myself than my parents could. And I honestly think that perseverance can get you a long, long way in an entrepreneurial organization.
Q. Tell me about your management approach today.
A. I manage consumer marketing and I oversee about 30 people, in addition to being the public face of the company. I love working hands-on with my team. I operate under a philosophy that people are going to make mistakes. But when something does go wrong, make sure I’m the first one to know, because I can’t help you fix it if I don’t know about it. The whole organization is run that way. You have to give people a chance to own their areas, but you also have to agree that they’re going to come and tell you as soon as something goes awry. I think that allows people to move up the learning curve faster. It’s like watching your kids go out and swim. You’re always within arm’s length when they’re swimming, so that you’re there to grab them back.
I always tell people, “If you’re not really comfortable in that kind of entrepreneurial setting, then it might not be the right spot for you. We’re going to move fast. We’re going to test. We’re going to make mistakes. And we’re going to quickly fix them.”
Q. How has your leadership style evolved over time?
A. I’ve realized you just have to take extra care and make time to talk to people. I’ve realized that you need to over-communicate. When you’re working with people, even if you think you’ve said something, maybe you need to say it two or three more times. And make sure you’re praising people, and make sure that you’re giving them feedback, because their perception of how much feedback you’re giving them is always less than what you think you’re giving them.
Q. What other lessons?
A. I’ve learned to trust folks more. I truly enjoy my managerial experience today more than I ever have. You hire good people, give them the opportunity to do what they need to do, and have a good rapport. You have to invest the time in that. It’s allowed me to be a more relaxed manager.
Part of that is just maturing, too. The things that got you worked up five years ago don’t anymore because you’ve been down this path before. It makes the process easier and more enjoyable.
Q. Any traditions, rituals?
A. The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, we hold a soapbox derby, and we break the company up into teams from all different departments. So you get to meet folks that you may not typically work with. And then in the morning, you build a soapbox derby car with the $70 we give people to go buy the supplies. Then we race in the afternoon in our parking lot, which has a slight slope to it. Some of our vendors will even fly in to participate.
Q. What about broader thoughts on building an effective culture?
A. Getting the right mix of people is important. Even if your best performer has a bad attitude, then you need to make a move, because that can really turn the culture of an organization. The vast majority of our employees come from referrals. That’s a byproduct of creating a culture where people enjoy working. They don’t come here because it’s a fancy place to work; they come here because they actually like what they’re doing.
Q. What else?
A. You have to create an environment where people are encouraged to get involved. Don’t just be a bystander in your career. Get to know each other. Get involved. Because I’m a firm believer in the idea that if you’re not having fun at your job, you should quit.
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