Monday, April 2, 2012

Palin, Couric, Oprah in morning show rumble; Lauer to Palin: ‘Are you reading some newspapers?’

Winfrey, Palin, Couric (AP/FIle)

The "Today" show teased its counterpunch to Katie Couric co-hosting "Good Morning America"Sarah Palinwith a phone interview with the former Alaskan governor, who is co-hosting the NBC morning show on Tuesday.

"Are you reading some newspapers?" Matt Lauer asked Palina reference to her 2008 interview with Couric, when the then-vice presidential nominee stumbled on a question about her daily knowledge regiment.

"That's a fine 'How do you do,'" Palin said. "Here we go."

In promos ahead of Palin's appearance, NBC has promised it would "reveal a different side of her."

In the teaser interview, however, it did not sound like much would be different, aside from Palin notably joining the "lamestream media" she often mocks.

Meredith Vieira, who made a brief return to the "Today" set Monday, gave Palin a scouting report on her colleagues.

"Matt will deface your property, so don't bring anything of value," Vieira said. "Ann hits the limoncello on a pretty regular basis, and if Al asks to let him 'show you his neck of the woods,' run."

On ABC, Couric said she woke up at 1:15 a.m. for her return to morning television. "It's a little strange and I'm a bit nervous," Couric admitted.

And in what would have been "the biggest morning show booking of the week" before Palin and Couric came knocking, Oprah Winfrey appeared on "CBS This Morning" on Monday, telling Charlie Rose about her struggling OWN network. "I've lived in this sort of glow for the past 10 years at least," Winfrey said, according to TVNewser. "But last week I saw one headline that sort of knocked me off centerthe USA Today headline that said, 'Oprah Not Quite Standing On Her Own.' Whoa!"

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Source & Image : Yahoo

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