Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Apple offers refunds for new iPad in Australia over 4G

Customers outside an Apple store in Sydney to get their hands on the latest iPad

US technology firm Apple has offered to refund Australian customers who felt misled about the 4G capabilities of the new iPad.

The country's consumer watchdog has taken Apple to court for false advertising because the tablet computer does not work on Australia's 4G network.

Apple's lawyers said they were willing to print a clarification.

However the company does not accept that it misled customers.

Australia's Competition and Consumer Commission said on Tuesday "that Apple's recent promotion of the new 'iPad with WiFi + 4G' is misleading because it represents to Australian consumers that the product can, with a SIM card, connect to a 4G mobile data network in Australia, when this is not the case".

The watchdog then lodged a complaint at the Federal Court in Melbourne.

At a preliminary hearing, Apple lawyer Paul Anastassiou said Apple had never claimed the device would work fully on the current 4G network operated by Telstra.

Apple says the new iPad works on what is globally accepted to be a 4G network.

The matter could go to full trial after the Easter break.

Source & Image : BBC

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